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Observing Sites
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Leo Triplet
M101 - close up
Barnard's Loop - M78 - IC434 - first light with RedCat 51
M106 accompanied by some more distant galaxies
SH2-129 -OU4 (RGB+HaO)
M106 and neighbours
NGC1999 - a "small" empty hole in the sky
Comet 2022/E3 ZTF - at 360mm
Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF)
SH2-240 - Spaghetti Nebula - at 135 mm
SH2-240 - details at 360 mm
M106 and friends
NGC7822 (SH2-171) widefield at 135 mm
NGC7822 (SH2-171)
IC59 - IC63 (HaOiiRGB)
Wide field in Cygnus
IC59 - IC63 in Ha
IC1396 - HaRGB
M31 - The Andromeda galaxy (Ha-RGB)
M31 - Andromeda galaxy (only Ha)
Abell 85 - OSC
NGC7000 - details in HaRGB
The Cygnus Wall in Ha
LBN468 - drizzle integration
LBN468 - details
LBN535 - VdB149 - VdB150 - Dark Shark Nebula
The Gamma Cygni Nebula
NGC6960 - OSC
NGC7822 - widefield 135mm
SH2 - 132 - Lion Nebula - duo narrowband with RGB stars
SH2-132 - The Lion Nebula
IC59 - IC63
Moon on 10.05.2022
M101 - widefield at 360 mm and 87% moonlight
LBN541 (VdB149) - LBN546 (VdB150)
SH2-174 - A planetary nebula in Cepheus
SH2-274 ( Abell 21) - The Medusa Nebula
NGC2264 - two panel mosaic
B150 - The Seahorse Nebula
IC1396 SHO - with RGB stars
The Ghost Nebula - SH2-136
NGC2024 - Flame Nebula
Moon on 2022.03.06. 18h21'
NGC2264 - OSC + Halfa
M81 and M82 with IFN
Markarian's Chain
M42 - M43
M81 and M82
SH2-177 / IC434 - NGC2023
Widefield in Orion - one single shot (no dark, no flat)
Happy New Year !
Moon - details 3
NGC2336 - IC467
C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE)
NGC2023 - IC434
NGC2244 (widefield - 135 mm)
Moon details 2
Auriga and surroundings - widefield at 135 mm
IC417 - The Spider Nebula
NGC7789 - Caroline's Rose
Moon - first light in my new observatory
M42 - core
NGC7380 - Ha
SH2-136 widefield - 357 mm
SH2-136 widefield
SH2-103 - 135 mm widefield
Sadr region with NGC6914 in center - 135 mm widefield
NGC6914 - OSC + Ha
IC1396 - widefield
Sh2-158 · Sh2-159 · Sh2-161 · Sh2-162 in HOO
SH2-108 - Sadr region widefield 135mm
SH2-140 - close up
M3 - close up
Moon - detail
M3 - OSC + comparasion with LRGB
M86 and its neighbors
Flame Nebula - IC434 - Flame Nebula - Horsehead Nebula - starless
Moon on 20.02.2021
M51 - osc
M45 - Pleiades star cluster - widefield 135 mm
M106 (OSC)
NGC1499 - California Nebula - Ha (HDR integration)
Moon on 27.01.2021.
The Moon on 2nd April 2020
The constellation Cassiopeia
M33 - Triangulum Galaxy - Ha-LRGB
"Flat and dark" time
IC1805 in H-alfa - first lite with Starizona Apex ED 0.65x L Reducer / Flattener on Esprit 100ED
M51 - close up
Iris Nebula - close up
M45 - Pleiades star cluster
Elephant's Trunk Nebula and sorroundings
North America Nebula and Pelican Nebula (NGC7000 and IC5070) - unguided
Sadr region - widefield
C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE) 5s
C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE)
M31 - The Andromeda Galaxy
M42 - The Orion Nebula
Starless version
IC1805 - SHO with RGB stars - new approach
M33 - Triangulum Galaxy
IC1805 - SHO with RGB stars - new approach
Starless version
SH2-119 - Foraxx palette
The constellation Cassiopeia
The Moon on 2nd April 2020
Moon on 27.01.2021.
NGC1499 - California Nebula - Ha (HDR integration)
M106 (OSC)
M45 - Pleiades star cluster - widefield 135 mm
M51 - osc
Moon on 20.02.2021
Flame Nebula - IC434 - Flame Nebula - Horsehead Nebula - starless
M86 and its neighbors
M3 - OSC + comparasion with LRGB
Moon - detail
M3 - close up
SH2-140 - close up
SH2-108 - Sadr region widefield 135mm
Sh2-158 · Sh2-159 · Sh2-161 · Sh2-162 in HOO
IC1396 - widefield
NGC6914 - OSC + Ha
Sadr region with NGC6914 in center - 135 mm widefield
SH2-103 - 135 mm widefield
SH2-136 widefield - 357 mm
NGC7380 - Ha
M42 - core
Moon - first light in my new observatory
NGC7789 - Caroline's Rose
IC417 - The Spider Nebula
Auriga and surroundings - widefield at 135 mm
Moon details 2
NGC2244 (widefield - 135 mm)
NGC2023 - IC434
C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE)
NGC2336 - IC467
Moon - details 3
Happy New Year !
Widefield in Orion - one single shot (no dark, no flat)
SH2-177 / IC434 - NGC2023
M42 - M43
Markarian's Chain
M81 and M82 with IFN
NGC2264 - OSC + Halfa
LBN 550
Moon on 2022.03.06. 18h21'
NGC2024 - Flame Nebula
The Ghost Nebula - SH2-136
IC1396 SHO - with RGB stars
B150 - The Seahorse Nebula
NGC2264 - two panel mosaic
SH2-274 ( Abell 21) - The Medusa Nebula
SH2-174 - A planetary nebula in Cepheus
LBN541 (VdB149) - LBN546 (VdB150)
M101 - widefield at 360 mm and 87% moonlight
Moon on 10.05.2022
IC59 - IC63
SH2-132 - The Lion Nebula
SH2 - 132 - Lion Nebula - duo narrowband with RGB stars
NGC7822 - widefield 135mm
NGC6960 - OSC
The Gamma Cygni Nebula
LBN535 - VdB149 - VdB150 - Dark Shark Nebula
LBN468 - details
LBN468 - drizzle integration
The Cygnus Wall in Ha
NGC7000 - details in HaRGB
CTB1 - Abell 85 - Supernova remnant (HaRGB)
M31 - The Andromeda galaxy (Ha-RGB)
IC1396 - HaRGB
IC59 - IC63 in Ha
Wide field in Cygnus
IC59 - IC63 (HaOiiRGB)
NGC7822 (SH2-171)
NGC7822 (SH2-171) widefield at 135 mm
M106 and friends
SH2-240 - details at 360 mm
SH2-240 - Spaghetti Nebula - at 135 mm
Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF)
Comet 2022/E3 ZTF - at 360mm
NGC1999 - a "small" empty hole in the sky
M106 and neighbours
SH2-129 -OU4 (RGB+HaO)
Barnard's Loop - M78 - IC434 - first light with RedCat 51
Sun on 23.04.2023 - first light
Sun II. on 23.04.2023.
Sunspot on 23.04.2023.
Sun on 05.05.2023. 15:22
Sunspots on 2023.05.07. 16:20
Solar flares on 2023.05.05. 15:33
Solar activity on 2023.05.07. in H-alpha - 4 panel mozaic
Sunspots on 2023.05.29 07:48
Solar activity on 2023.05.29. 07:36
Sun activity on 2023.06.02. 06:32
The giant solar CME on 27.05.2023. 12:10 - 2 panel mosaic
Solar activity on 2023.06.14. 07:44
LBN 452 · LDN 1098 · LDN 1099 · LDN 1105
Sun activity on 24.06.2023
Sun activity on 02.07.2023
The devil in action
A giant sunspot on 2023-07-09 15:12
Solar activity on 15.07.2023.
Solar activity 22.07.2023.
Solar activity 25.07.2023.
Starfield in Aquila with LDN679
Solar activity 29.07.2023. (3377, 3379)
Solar activity 29.07.2023. (AR3387 and a strong protuberance)
M27 - close up in HOO
Sunspot on 08.08.2023 - AR3394
Sun activity on 13.08.2023. (AR3394)
Sun activity on 13.08.2023.
Sun activity on 13.08.2023
Solar activity 2023.08.31. - 15:22 ( 2 panel mosaic )
Sunspots and spicules - 2023.08.31.
Super Blue Moon on 2023.08.31.
Coronal mass ejection (CME) - 2023.09.06.
Solar actvity 2023.09.06.
Simeis 57 (DWB 111/ DWB 119) - The Propeller Nebula in HSO with RGB stars
Simeis 57 (DWB 111/ DWB 119) - The Propeller Nebula in HOO with RGB stars
Giant solar CME on 17.09.2023.
M31 - Ha-RGB
The Gamma Cygni Nebula - widefield at 250 mm
SH2-119 (SHO)
LBN400 - LBN402 with PGC66592 and Supernova 2001fh
SH2-119 - RGB-HOO
LBN430 - LBN437- LBN442
M31 - HaRGB with multiscope setup
Sunspot - AR3474 on 2023.11.01. 11:22
AR3477 on 2023.11.01. 11:15
Sun in Ha
Sunflower ( AR3477 on 06.11.2023 12:31)
AR3480 - AR3477 ( 3 panel mosaic)
Moon on 01.11.2023. - Mare Nectaris and its surroundings
Tycho crater and its surroundings
Stephan's Quintet
Sun - CaK and Solar Continuum
Mare Crisium
From Langrenus to Furnerius
Simeis 57 (DWB 111/ DWB 119) - The Propeller Nebula
Montes Caucasus - Mons Hadley region
NGC1499 - California Nebula
VdB14 - VdB15 (LBN681 - LBN682 - LBN684)
SH2-261 (Lower's Nebula) OSC
SH2-261 OSC at 250mm
VdB 14 - VdB15
Sun - CaK
The Rosette Nebula - (OSC with Optolong L-eXtreme)
Sun - Ha (2024.02.18 12:00)
Sun with CaK filter on 03.03.2024.
Sun (Ha) 14.03.2024
Dance of Monsters
Flying Bat
Along the Rheita Valley - from Piccolomini to Steinheil craters
Mare Tranquillitatis - Mare Fecunditatis - Mare Nectaris
Sun - Ha - AR3628 and surroundings
Sun - Ha - AR3628
Sun - CaK - AR3628 - AR3633-34-35
Abel 1656 - Galaxy Cluster
Moon - 14.04.2024.
Who runs faster?
Sun - AR3636 - AR3651 (3nm CaK filter)
Sun - AR3645
Sun - AR3639
M81 - M82 - NGC3077
Sun - Ha
A monster
AR3664 - the origin of the biggest geomagnetic storm in the last 19 year
Aurora Borealis
Sun - 2024.05.27.
M13 - Hercules Globular Cluster
Sun (Ha)
Sun (Ha) - AR3697
Sun (Ha) - AR3712 - AR3713 - AR3708 - AR3709 - AR3711
Sun (Ha) - AR3712 - AR3713 - AR3716
Dust clouds in Cepheus
NGC 7023
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