
Canon EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6

Canon EOS 250D / Rebel SL3 / Kiss X10 / EOS 200D Mark II (modified)
Image Details
1 Per, 10 Per, 11 Per, 11 bet Cas, 12 Cas, 12 Per, 13 tet Per, 14 Per, 14 lam Cas, 14.43, 15 eta Per, 15 kap Cas, 17 zet Cas, 18 And, 18 alf Cas, 18 tau Per, 19 ksi Cas, 2 Per, 20 pi. Cas, 22 And, 22 omi Cas, 23 gam Per, 24 eta Cas, 25 nu. Cas, 26 And, 26 bet Per, 26 ups01 Cas, 27 gam Cas, 27 kap Per, 28 ups02 Cas, 29 Per, 3 Per, 30 Per, 30 mu. Cas, 31 Cas, 31 Per, 32 And, 32 Cas, 32 l Per, 33 alf Per, 33 tet Cas, 34 Per, 34 phi Cas, 35 Cas, 35 nu. And, 35 sig Per, 36 Per, 36 psi Cas, 37 del Cas, 37 mu. And, 37 psi Per, 39 And, 39 chi Cas, 39 del Per, 4 g Per, 41 And, 41 nu. Per, 42 phi And, 43 A Per, 43 Cas, 43 bet And, 44 And, 44 Cas, 45 And, 45 eps Cas, 46 ksi And, 46 ome Cas, 47 And, 47 lam Per, 48 A Cas, 48 c Per, 48 ome And, 49 A And, 5 Per, 5 tau Cas, 50 ups And, 51 And, 51 mu. Per, 52 Cas, 52 chi And, 53 Cas, 53 tau And, 55 And, 55 Cas, 56 And, 57 gam01 And, 57 gam02 And, 58 And, 59 And, 6 Per, 60 b And, 62 c And, 63 And, 64 And, 65 And, 66 And, 68 Cas, 69 sig Psc, 7 rho Cas, 78 Psc, 8 Per, 8 sig Cas, 9 Cas, 9 i Per, AO Cas, Achird, Adhil, Algol, Almach, Andromeda, Andromeda Galaxy, B11, B201, B6, B8, B9, CG And, Caph, IC 10, IC 1525, IC 1536, IC 1590, IC 1619, IC 1647, IC 1653, IC 166, IC 1675, IC 1677, IC 1713, IC 1747, IC 1795, IC 1799, IC 1805, IC 1824, IC 1831, IC 1848, IC 1934, IC 239, IC 256, IC 258, IC 260, IC 262, IC 280, IC 289, IC 293, IC 300, IC 301, IC 309, IC 313, IC 319, IC 320, IC 342, IC 356, IC 361, IC 59, IC 63, IC 65, IC 69, Little Dumbbell, M 103, M 110, M 31, M 32, M 34, M 76, Marfak, Mirach, Miram, Mirphak, Misam, NGC 1000, NGC 1003, NGC 1027, NGC 103, NGC 1077, NGC 1106, NGC 1122, NGC 1131, NGC 1138, NGC 1160, NGC 1161, NGC 1164, NGC 1169, NGC 1171, NGC 1175, NGC 1177, NGC 1193, NGC 1220, NGC 1245, NGC 1264, NGC 129, NGC 133, NGC 1334, NGC 1335, NGC 1348, NGC 136, NGC 1444, NGC 146, NGC 1469, NGC 147, NGC 1485, NGC 1491, NGC 1496, NGC 1501, NGC 1502, NGC 1513, NGC 1528, NGC 1569, NGC 185, NGC 189, NGC 206, NGC 218, NGC 224, NGC 272, NGC 278, NGC 281, NGC 287, NGC 317, NGC 358, NGC 366, NGC 374, NGC 380, NGC 381, NGC 389, NGC 393, NGC 398, NGC 404, NGC 431, NGC 433, NGC 436, NGC 447, NGC 451, NGC 457, NGC 464, NGC 477, NGC 48, NGC 51, NGC 510, NGC 528, NGC 529, NGC 551, NGC 559, NGC 561, NGC 562, NGC 573, NGC 590, NGC 591, NGC 605, NGC 609, NGC 620, NGC 621, NGC 634, NGC 637, NGC 654, NGC 657, NGC 662, NGC 663, NGC 668, NGC 679, NGC 687, NGC 710, NGC 714, NGC 721, NGC 743, NGC 744, NGC 746, NGC 752, NGC 7788, NGC 7789, NGC 7790, NGC 797, NGC 801, NGC 812, NGC 828, NGC 834, NGC 841, NGC 846, NGC 847, NGC 869, NGC 884, NGC 891, NGC 896, NGC 898, NGC 912, NGC 920, NGC 933, NGC 937, NGC 946, NGC 956, NGC 957, NGC 982, NGC 995, PK110-12.1, PK112-10.1, PK113-06.1, PK114-04.1, PK118-08.1, PK119+00.1, PK119-06.1, PK120-05.1, PK121+03.1, PK121-02.1, PK122-04.1, PK124+02.1, PK124-07.1, PK126+03.1, PK128-04.1, PK129+04.1, PK129-02.1, PK129-05.1, PK130+03.1, PK130-11.1, PK131-05.1, PK132+04.1, PK132-00.1, PK133-08.1, PK136+04.1, PK136+05.1, PK138+04.1, PK141-07.1, PK142+03.1, PK144-15.1, PK146+07.1, PK147+04.1, PK147-02.1, PK147-09.1, PK149+04.1, PK149-01.1, PK149-03.1, PK149-09.1, PK151+00.1, PK151+02.1, PK153-01.1, Part of the constellation Andromeda (And), Part of the constellation Camelopardalis (Cam), Part of the constellation Perseus (Per), Perseus, R Cas, RZ Cas, Ruchbah, SU Cas, Schedar, Segin, Sh2-168, Sh2-169, Sh2-172, Sh2-173, Sh2-175, Sh2-176, Sh2-177, Sh2-179, Sh2-180, Sh2-181, Sh2-182, Sh2-183, Sh2-185, Sh2-186, Sh2-187, Sh2-188, Sh2-189, Sh2-190, Sh2-191, Sh2-193, Sh2-194, Sh2-195, Sh2-196, Sh2-197, Sh2-198, Sh2-199, Sh2-200, Sh2-201, Sh2-202, Sh2-203, Sh2-204, Sh2-205, Sh2-207, Sh2-208, Sh2-209, Sh2-215, The constellation Cassiopeia (Cas), The star Algol (βPer), The star Almach (γ1And), The star Caph (βCas), The star Mirach (βAnd), The star Mirfak (αPer), The star Navi (γCas), The star Ruchbah (δCas), The star Schedar (αCas), The star γPer, The star δPer, V373 Cas, VdB1, VdB10, VdB11, VdB14, VdB15, VdB158, VdB4, VdB6, VdB8, b Per, b02 Per, gam Cam, iot Cas, iot Per, k Per, phi Per
Observing site:
E18°49'29" ; N47°55'57"

Sky Plot